Introductory photo

Your Voice Matters!

The Democratic Party is its Membership.

The Santa Cruz County Democratic Central Committee (SCCDCC) is the governing body of the Democratic Party in Santa Cruz County.

I Believe that the SCCDCC is Accountable to the registerd Democrats in Santa Cruz County.

I Say NO to Corporate Intersts, Special Interests, and Backroom Politics.

I Would be Honored to Represent You on the SCCDCC.

No Corporate or Special Interest Money.

My campaign is self-financed. I am not receiving money or special influence from any corporation, or any political special interest group. I am voluntarily limiting campaign spending to under $2000.

Your Voice is Important

I believe in honesty and transparency. I don't believe in backroom deals. If elected, I will set up a permanent website through which any resident of District 5 can contact me to voice their thoughts on any issue. To my knowledge, this is not at all common for a DCC Member to do. Most of the time, the voices of most registered Democrats are not adequately considered in relation to the SCCDCC.

Analysis, Not Ideology

My ethics include being open-minded and viewing issues analytically. My core beliefs include ensuring that everyone's basic needs of life are met, and that everyone's human rights are respected. I DON'T just 'jump on the bandwagon' in regard to whatever the media is currently focused on. If elected, my goal is to be responsive to the needs and concerns of District 5 residents.

Advocating for Indigenous Rights

I have personally been advocating for the fundamental human rights of Ohlone Peoples for many years. We live on unceded Ohlone land; no ratified Treaties exist for this region, where genocides have occurred. Ohlone Peoples should have a voice in the protection of their Ancestral burial, cultural, and sacred sites; and a voice regarding the ecological management of unceded lands.

What is the SCCDCC?

The Santa Cruz County Democatic Central Committee (SCCDCC) is the governing body of the Democratic Party in Santa Cruz County.

District 5 (map is allocated 5 elected seats on the SCCDCC. The SCCDCC's website is links are not affiliated with my campaign website).

Register to Vote!

Election of Santa Cruz County Democratic Central Committee respresentatives will take place via the Primary Ballot (March 5, 2024). If you live within District 5 (which includes parts of

sign up to

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